Hare Krisna Kundo
Hare Krisna Kundo Professor, Department of Public Administration



As a social scientist with a PhD in sustainability and development, my research deals with the intersections of climate risks, vulnerability, social protection, resilience and wellbeing. I am particularly interested in understanding the role of social protection to managing climate risks for marginalised people living in the Global South, with a focus on promoting social protection programming that is just, equitable, and sustainable. I am experienced in mixed methods research design and qualitative methodologies. My strengths lie in applying participatory approaches to the design, implementation and evaluation of development projects that inform development policy and programming.


Climate Change, Social Protection, Political Economy of Development, Governance, Human Resource Management,


Kundo, Hare Krisna; Brueckner, Martin; Spencer, Rochelle; Davis, John K., International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 89, 2023.

Kundo, H. K., Brueckner, M., Spencer, R., & Davis, J. (2023). The politics of linking disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation with social protection in Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 89(103640), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103640 

Kundo, Hare Krisna; Brueckner, Martin; Spencer, Rochelle; Davis, John K., Disasters, 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/disa.12559

Building resilience and wellbeing of rural poor to climate risks: are the economic functions of social protection enough? Disasters, https://doi.org/10.1111/disa.12559

Kundo, H. K., Brueckner, M., Spencer, R., and Davis, J., Kundo, H. K., Brueckner, M., Spencer, R., and Davis, J., Journal of International Development, 2021. doi: 10.1002/jid.3567

Kundo, H. K., Brueckner, M., Spencer, R., & Davis, J. (2021). Mainstreaming climate adaptation into social protection: The issues yet to be addressed. Journal of International Development, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1002/jid.3567

Hare Krisna Kundo,

Kundo, Hare Krisna (2018). Old age allowance and adaptive capacity of rural women in the face of climate change in Bangladesh. South Asian Journal of Policy and Governance, 42 (01): 1-22.

Hare Krisna Kundo & Sandra Crewe,

Kundo, H. K., & Crewe, S. (2019). A qualitative longitudinal study on land administration in Bangladesh. SAGE Research Methods Cases.doi:10.4135/9781526485069. 

Hare Krisna Kundo,

Kundo, HK. (2017). Dynamics of Designing and Implementing Social Safety Net Programmes in Developing Countries. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, vol. XXV, no. 1. 

Hare Krisna Kundo and Bishwajit Datta,

Kundo, H. K. and Datta, . (2017). Factors influencing applicants' perceptions toward online application system in Bangladesh Civil Service. Jahangirnagar Journal of Administrative Studies, 10: 21-35.

Hare Krisna Kundo,

Kundo HK (2013) Applicability of Western human resource management practices in Bangladesh for indigenous organizational success: A study on cultural perspective. ENVISION An International Journal of Commerce and Management 7, 17-27.

Hare Krisna Kundo,

Kundo H K (2016) Are social safety net programmes in Bangladesh climate responsive? Dynamics of Public Administration 33 (1), 113-128.  Link to the full article: http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:dpa&volume=33&issue=1&article=010 

Bishwajit Datta and Hare Krisna Kundo,

Datta B & Kundo HK (2016) David Easton’s political system model to understand policy process: an analysis of VGD programme in Bangladesh. Dynamics of Public Administration 33 (2), 178-189. Link to the full article: http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:dpa&volume=33&issue=2&article=005 

Hare Krisna Kundo,

Kundo, H. K. (2016). Citizen’s Charter for Improved Public Service Delivery and Accountability: The Experience of Land Administration at the Local Government in Bangladesh. International Journal of Public Administration, 1-12.

Hare Krisna Kundo,

Kundo, H. K. Micro Politics of Social Safety Net Programmes: The Case of the Food‐For‐Work Programme in Bangladesh. Development Policy Review. Accepted Article Online (2017)


Kundo, Hare Krisna, Kundo, Hare Krisna, Picking up the Pieces: Pandemics, Protests and the future of Public Service, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA),

Presented a paper titled "Mainstreaming the integration of climate adaptation into social protection: The case of Bangladesh" in 2021 ASPA Annual Conference, April 2021. Picking up the Pieces: Pandemics, Protests and the future of Public Service, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA).

Kundo, Hare Krisna, Kundo, Hare Krisna, DevNet 2020 Conference: Development Matters, Massey University, New Zealand, 2-4 December 2020.

Presented a paper titled "Vulnerabilities and Resilience to Climate Change of a Southwestern Coastal Sub-district in Bangladesh" in DevNet 2020 Conference: Development Matters, Massey University, New Zealand. 2-4 December 2020. http://devnet.org.nz/devnet2020/

Hare Krisna Kundo and Bishwajit Datta,

E-recruitment in Bangladesh civil service: an analysis of the applicants’ perception towards online application system. Presented the paper in an “International Conference on Governance and Development: Asian Perspective” organized by the Department of Public Administration, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh on January 28-29, 2017.

Hare Krisna Kundo,

The paper titled "Old Age Allowance and Adaptive Capacity of Rural Women in the face of Climate Change in Bangladesh" was presented in an International Conference titled “Gender Mainstreaming in Politics, Administration, and Development in South Asia and Beyond” jointly organized by the Public Policy and Governance (PPG) Program, North South University, Bangladesh and the Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen, Norway held from 18th to 19th November, 2017.

Academic Info

Institute: Murdoch University, Australia
Period: 2018-2023


Institute: University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Administration

Institute: University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Master of Social Sciences in Public Administration

Institute: North South University, Bangladesh

Executive Master of Business Administration

Institute: Institute of Development Policy and Management, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Period: 2014 to 2015

Master of Science in Governance and Development


Organization: Department of Public Administration, Jahangirnagar University
Position: Lecturer
Period: November 2010 to March 2014
Organization: Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited
Position: Assistant Manager
Period: September 2006 to November 2010

Served in the Human Resource Management Department of this Multinational Company.

Organization: OTOBI Limited
Position: Senior Officer, Personnel
Period: October 2005 to September 2006

Served in the Human Resource Management Department from October 2005 to September 2006


Hare Krisna Kundo

Department of Public Administration
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 008801305335902
Email: hkkundo@juniv.edu